Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro NC

rear end car accident involving two cars

Rear-End Car Accident Lawyer in Greensboro NC

rear end car accident involving two cars

Being hurt in a car accident is a painful experience regardless of the point of impact. Rear-end collisions can cause particularly severe injuries to the delicate structures of the neck and back due to the forces imparted in the crash. Even relatively low-speed rear-end impacts can cause severe injuries to vehicle occupants.

If you recently were hurt in a rear-end accident in Greensboro, North Carolina, the experienced car accident attorneys at Ward Black Law understand what you are up against. Many of our clients have suffered life-altering injuries in rear-end crashes, and we have successfully recovered the compensation they deserve.

Contact us online now for a free case evaluation to learn more about how a rear-end accident lawyer in Greensboro, NC, can help you.

What Are Rear-End Collisions and What Causes Them?

Rear-end collisions involve the front end of one vehicle colliding with the back of another. Most of these crashes occur because of negligent driving. Some of the most common causes of rear-end collisions include:

  • Following another vehicle too closely (tailgating)
  • Distracted drivers
  • Fatigued or drowsy drivers
  • Drivers who are under the influence
  • Speeding
  • Aggressive drivers
  • Driver errors, such as stepping on the accelerator instead of the brake
  • Brake failure
  • Inclement weather
  • Poor road conditions

Rear-End Accident Statistics

Rear-end accidents are among the most common types of crashes in North Carolina. In one recent year, the state saw nearly 1.5 million rear-end collisions, accounting for almost 29 percent of all auto accidents. Rear-end accidents caused over 400,000 injuries and almost 2,500 deaths across the state that year.

Common Injuries from Rear-End Car Accidents in Greensboro

Rear-end collisions can cause devastating injuries. These injuries can impact not only the victim’s health and quality of life but also their ability to earn a living. Some of the most common injuries from rear-end collisions include:

Whiplash and Neck Injuries

When a vehicle is hit from behind, its occupants’ heads and necks will violently snap forward and back. The result of this sudden movement can include:

  • Strained or torn muscles and ligaments
  • Severe pain
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Stiffness
  • Muscle spasms

Back Injuries

The spinal column and back muscles can suffer considerable stress in rear-end collisions. The sudden force can be enough to cause:

  • Fractured vertebrae
  • Compressed and injured spinal discs
  • Strained back muscles
  • Severed spinal cord, leading to paralysis

Wrist and Arm Injuries

A driver bracing for impact might instinctively grip their steering wheel. When they do, the force can cause injuries such as wrist fractures and dislocated shoulders.

Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries

The force imparted by a collision can cause people in the vehicle to hit their heads against windows, headrests, or the steering wheel. Alternatively, projectiles within the car can strike their heads. Blunt force trauma to the skull can lead to:

  • Cranial or facial fractures
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Long-term brain damage

Broken Bones and Ribs

While a seatbelt or airbag can save your life, they are also capable of causing injury too. The force of a rear-end collision can cause these devices to crack ribs, sometimes leading to punctured lungs.

Who Is at Fault for a Rear-End Collision?

The driver who rear-ends another vehicle is generally liable for the accident. Liability is often shared among several parties in cases involving multiple vehicles. In crashes resulting from poor road conditions, the fault may lie with the party responsible for maintaining the road or highway.

There are also circumstances where the driver on the receiving end of the collision may be partially or fully responsible for the collision. For example, a driver whose taillights were broken may bear some liability for the crash.

North Carolina law prevents injured parties from recovering compensation at trial if they are partially responsible for the accident. The concept is called contributory negligence. If you believe you might have been partially to blame for a rear-end accident, an attorney can review your case and explain your options.

Potential Compensation for People Hurt in Rear-End Collisions

If you have suffered losses in a rear-end collision someone else caused, you could be able to recover compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income due to missed time at work
  • Reduced earning potential if you have suffered a disability
  • Physical and psychological pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

Some rear-end crashes go beyond carelessness and involve a driver’s egregious and wrongful acts. In such exceptional cases, you may be eligible to recover punitive damages, which are designed to punish and deter such behavior. Our Greensboro car accident attorneys can tell you if you might qualify for these damages.

What to Do After Being Rear-Ended by Another Vehicle in Greensboro

The symptoms of many injuries associated with rear-end collisions can take days to appear. Yet the earlier you seek medical attention, the sooner your doctor can diagnose your condition and begin treating it. As such, the most important step to take after being rear-ended is to visit a qualified medical professional who can assess you for injuries.

You should also take as many of these steps as you can:

  • Take pictures of the accident scene.
  • Notify the police about the accident so they can file a report.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver.
  • Contact an experienced rear-end accident lawyer from Ward Black Law as soon as possible.

Doing so will help your attorney prepare a strong case on your behalf.