Workplace Head Injuries Lawyer in Greensboro NC

employee with head injury

Workplace Head Injuries Lawyer in Greensboro NC

employee with head injury

A head injury you suffered on the job can leave you on a long road to recovery. Ward Black Law understands how devastating and alarming these injuries can be, especially when they jeopardize your livelihood. That’s why our attorneys are ready to fight for your right to compensation, so you don’t have to worry about paying for your medical treatment or putting food on your table.

Accidents causing severe head injury trauma are some of the most common instances of on-the-job injuries reported by employees. Workplace head injuries can be devastating and debilitating – not to mention challenging to diagnose and treat.

If you sustained a head injury while completing a task or assignment at your place of employment, it’s important to note that you may be entitled to workers’ compensation under North Carolina law.

Contact us online or call Ward Black Law today for a free consultation with a head injury at work lawyer in Greensboro, NC. We look forward to meeting you and learning more about how we can help.

What Are Common Causes of Head Injuries in Workplace Accidents?

Common causes of head injuries in the workplace include:

  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents
  • Falls from heights
  • Strikes from objects

Most Common Types of Work-Related Head and Brain Injuries

The most common types of work-related head and brain injuries are:

  • Concussion â€“ Concussions are the most common head injury and typically occur due to a violent blow to or sudden shaking of the head.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI) â€“ A TBI is an injury that affects the way the brain works. Like a concussion, it typically results from a violent blow to or sudden shaking of the head. TBIs are classified as mild, moderate, or severe.
  • Skull fracture â€“ Severe fractures may result in depressions in the skull that can damage the brain and require surgery to repair.
  • Cerebral edema â€“ Swelling in the brain can result from a TBI or other injury or illness, putting pressure on the brain and potentially necessitating surgery.
  • Intracranial hematoma â€“ Pooling of blood in the skull, typically caused by a burst blood vessel, can become trapped within the brain tissue or between the brain and the skull.
  • Cerebral contusion â€“ A bruise on the brain can cause bleeding and swelling with potentially long-term consequences.
  • Diffuse axonal injury â€“ Axons are nerve fibers that send impulses throughout the brain. They can be damaged by rapid shaking, snapping, or twisting of the head, potentially disrupting the transmission of these signals.

Potential Treatments for Head and Brain Injuries

Treatment for head and brain injuries depends on the specific type of injury and its severity. Mild brain injuries may require less treatment, such as over-the-counter medication and rest. Moderate to severe brain injuries typically require emergency care to stabilize the accident victim and manage the oxygen and blood supply to the brain. Severe brain injuries may require surgery and intensive care.

In all cases, brain injury victims must be monitored closely for signs of worsening injury. Some brain injuries may seem mild at first but can deteriorate rapidly, resulting in long-term brain damage or even death. If you think you may have suffered a head or brain injury in an accident, you should seek a complete medical evaluation as soon as possible.

Accident victims with moderate to severe brain injuries may need long-term care and rehabilitation, including physical and occupational therapy and counseling. The most severe injuries may result in permanent disability.

Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Head Injuries in Greensboro?

Workers’ compensation is insurance coverage for workers who get injured on the job, regardless of fault. In North Carolina, employers who employ three or more people must provide workers’ comp benefits to their employees (with a few exceptions).

If you suffered an injury at work, including a head or brain injury, you are entitled to workers’ comp benefits. It doesn’t matter if the accident was your fault, your employer’s fault, or another employee’s fault. You can still file a claim with your employer’s insurance company.

Types of Compensation and Benefits for Workplace Head and Brain Injury Victims

Workers’ compensation insurance provides the following compensation and benefits to covered employees who suffered a head or brain injury on the job:

  • Medical benefits â€“ Workers’ comp will cover all reasonable and necessary medical expenses due to the work-related injury, including diagnostic tests, emergency room care, surgery, medications, physical therapy, and transportation to medical appointments.
  • Wage replacement benefits â€“ If an injured employee must miss work due to their injuries, workers’ comp will cover a portion of their lost wages as follows:
    • Temporary partial disability (TPD) â€“ If a worker can return to work but in a job that pays a lower wage, TBD benefits will pay two-thirds of the difference between the pre-injury and post-injury average weekly wage.
    • Temporary total disability (TTD) â€“ If a worker’s injuries prevent them from working at all, TTD will pay two-thirds of their average weekly wage up to a maximum rate set by the North Carolina Industrial Commission.
    • Permanent partial disability (PPD) â€“ If a worker’s injuries result in a permanent partial disability, they may be entitled to PPD benefits. These benefits provide two-thirds of their average weekly wage for a set number of weeks, depending on the nature and severity of their injury.
    • Permanent total disability (PTD) â€“ An injured worker who suffers a severe brain or head injury that results in permanent disability may be eligible for lifetime PTD benefits. The burden of proof of a PTD is on the injured worker.
  • Vocational rehabilitation benefits â€“ Injured workers may be entitled to vocational rehabilitation services to help them find gainful employment if their head injuries prevent them from returning to their old position. These services could include a vocational assessment, counseling, and training or education through the North Carolina community college or university systems.

Steps to Take If You Have a Head Injury at Work in Greensboro, NC

If you suffered a head injury at work in Greensboro, NC, follow these steps to claim workers’ comp benefits:

  1. Get medical attention. Get medical attention from an approved doctor. In the case of injuries requiring emergency care, if your employer does not have medical personnel on-site, go to the emergency room. Later, you will need to see a doctor chosen by your employer. Follow all of your doctor’s instructions.
  2. Notify your employer. Notify your employer of your workplace injury immediately and in writing. Your employer must then report the injury to its insurance company and the North Carolina Industrial Commission. You might jeopardize your benefits if you wait longer than 30 days to report the incident to your employer.
  3. File a claim. Your employer should provide you with Form 18 to complete and submit to the North Carolina Industrial Commission. You will also need to submit documentation, such as your medical records.

How Our Lawyers Help People with Workplace Head and Brain Injuries

The process is supposed to play out as we described it above. Unfortunately, many employers and their insurers try to shirk their responsibility to care for injured employees. That’s why it’s important to work with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer as you pursue the benefits to which you’re entitled.

Our skilled workers’ comp attorneys can:

  • Gather important documentation for your claim
  • Complete the necessary paperwork to file the claim
  • Appeal your claim if it is denied or undervalued
  • Fight for your rights to full and fair workers’ comp benefits