5 Things to Do If You Have Been Exposed to Asbestos

scientist wearing a protective suit

Asbestos exposure is known to cause severe and deadly health conditions like lung cancer and mesothelioma. While a series of actions by federal agencies significantly curtailed asbestos use in construction beginning in the 1970s, asbestos-containing materials are still present in many older buildings and are still being used in the United States in certain applications.

As a result, people working in industries like construction, plumbing, auto repair, building inspection, roofing, and many others need to know what to do if they’ve been exposed to asbestos at work.

  • Assess the Risk

The most significant risk factors associated with asbestos-related illnesses are the duration, means, and level of exposure. For instance, someone who rehabs old buildings without access to high-quality protective equipment and ventilation is at much greater risk than someone working in a building insulated with asbestos-containing material – though it is possible for both to develop an asbestos-related disease.

It’s important to note that asbestos presents the most significant danger when the fibers and particles become airborne. For this reason, construction and demolition workers face an exceptionally high risk of exposure.

  • Seek Medical Attention

It’s critical to seek medical attention immediately. Your healthcare provider’s treatment plan will depend on how recently you were exposed. For instance, your doctor can’t test for asbestos-related illness if your exposure was recent or a one-time, low-risk incident. However, they will note the exposure for your medical records so they can monitor the situation.

If you experienced sustained exposure in the past, your healthcare provider’s approach is more likely to involve scanning your lungs and monitoring any symptoms you’re experiencing. Remember that asbestos-related illness typically takes upwards of two decades or more to display symptoms.

  • Document How You Were Exposed

You must have documentary evidence supporting your asbestos exposure. Any documents related to your employment, such as pay stubs, tax records, business records, or military records, can help support your claims by confirming your employment during the time in question.

Because asbestos-related illnesses typically do not present until many years after exposure, reaching out to former coworkers can also be helpful. Some may also be experiencing the effects of exposure and may have gathered documents and other evidence to support their claims.

  • Consider Joining a Screening Program

Asbestos screening programs exist to track exposures and symptoms using a variety of tests and methods. These programs also support individuals as they navigate the challenges associated with asbestos-related illness and offer guidance on what to do if exposed to asbestos.

Talk to Our Experienced Greensboro Asbestos Exposure Lawyers

You might wonder what to do next if you’ve been exposed to asbestos. Your best course of action is to contact an experienced attorney at Ward Black Law. Our firm has over 30 years of experience handling asbestos claims in North Carolina. During that time, we’ve helped more than 1,000 exposed individuals secure significant compensation in asbestos cases, in many instances, in the millions of dollars.

We stand ready to review your situation and determine whether you can file claims. Our trusted lawyers can help you understand your legal options for seeking compensation for the harm you’ve suffered. Contact us today for a free and confidential case review with our experienced asbestos exposure lawyers.