Do I Have a Case? 7 Dangerous Product Claims

Dangerous Project - Ward Black Law

Have you or a loved one suffered harm from a defective medical product?

Far too often, medications and products that are designed to improve our quality of life end up doing just the opposite. There are numerous companies in Greensboro, NC and across the country to be held responsible for these incidents. At Ward Black Law, we’re constantly tackling dangerous product cases – seeing consistent, successful outcomes for our clients. The list of dangerous products is always evolving and there’s a limited window to get compensation. If you’ve suffered serious injury from a certain medicine, vaccination or product, don’t hesitate—contact a product liability attorney at Ward Black Law. There are no out-of-pocket costs for your case review.

Here’s a list of seven common dangerous product claims seen by our attorneys:

Several brands of hip replacements have been found to function improperly, causing unwarranted pain and suffering as well as costly treatment. Numbers one, two and three on the list are the main hip products we see:

  1. Zimmer Hip Replacement: Many individuals who have received the Zimmer Durom Cup Hip have undergone revision surgeries to correct issues caused by displacement of the implant.
  2. DePuy: In several cases, these faulty devices have caused patients immense pain, often requiring revision surgery. Many patients have sought damages for their suffering as well as medical expenses.
  3. Stryker Hip Replacement: Ward Black has seen many cases where the metal-on-metal Stryker hip replacement caused side effects like tissue damage, swelling and even metal poisoning.
  4. TVM Mesh and Bladder Slings: Transvaginal mesh and bladder slings were designed to treat common women’s health issues; however, they’ve often caused further problems. If you’re experiencing side effects like pain, erosion or scarring, you may be entitled to compensation.
  5. Testosterone: Topical testosterone treatment has been linked to heart attacks in men. In many cases, patients are not properly warned of this potential side effect.
  6. Tylenol: The common over-the-counter pain killer that is a staple in most American households is now being linked to liver failure.
  7. Influenza and other vaccines: After receiving recommended vaccines, a number of patients have suffered from Guillain-Barré syndrome – an immune dysfunction that causes muscle weakness and sometimes even paralysis.

Ward Black Law handles a plethora of cases involving these seven dangerous products and more. Because of our experience, clients have a personal ally to navigate the system. If you or a loved one has suffered after using one of these medications or products, we’ll offer a free case review to determine the viability of the claim. With a passion for people and an extensive background in dangerous products, Ward Black can ensure that your recovery is as efficient and painless as possible.

Click here to contact us today, or simply call toll free: 336-502-6208.

Author: Audrey Snyder

Audrey Snyder is an attorney supporting the firm in the areas of injury claims, including defective products, occupational diseases, and workers’ compensation. She began working with Ward Black Law late in 2017 as a contract attorney and formally joined the team in the spring of 2018.  She engages her passion for helping the defenseless and has a desire to “stand up for the little guy.”